Register as domestic partners to receive rights in the City of Gainesville without getting married.
You are eligible to register if both partners are:
You will need the following:
Pay in-person:
Gainesville City Hall Office of City Clerk 200 East University Avenue, First Floor Gainesville, FL 32601
We accept cash, Visa or Mastercard, and checks. Make checks payable to: City of Gainesville
Both partners must be present with the required documents. Registrations take place Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. at:
While you are at City Hall, you will:
We will provide you with two sealed certificates and a copy of your application.
Registered domestic partners may amend a registered domestic partnership previously filed to show a change in his or her household address or to add or delete dependents.
Both partners must be present with the required documents. Amendments take place Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. at:
We will give each partner a copy of the Amended Domestic Partnership Affidavit.
Registered couples need to notify the city if they want to end their domestic partnership.
You will need to provide:
Terminations take place Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. at:
We will give each partner a copy of the completed Termination of Domestic Partnership Affidavit.
Municipal Ordinances
Sec. 2-611. - Registration, amendment, termination and administration procedures.
Sec. 2-612. - Rights and legal effect of registered domestic partnership.
Listed fees are effective Oct. 1, 2023.
(PDF, 50KB)Registration(PDF, 191KB)
(PDF, 784KB)Amendment(PDF, 134KB)
(PDF, 585KB)Termination (Single Partner)(PDF, 133KB)
(PDF, 586KB)Termination (Both Partners)(PDF, 132KB)