Climate Action

Farm and road

What is Gainesville doing to help with climate change?

In order to understand where we are starting from, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) completed a comprehensive greenhouse gas inventory of Gainesville in 2008 and 2021. Alachua County is in the process of conducting a county-wide climate change vulnerability assessment (CCVA). The City of Gainesville is also currently working on a vulnerability study.

The City of Gainesville established a goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. We are in the process of developing a climate action plan. The climate action survey will help us understand the needs of our residents in preparation for drafting the action plan.

Upcoming Events

  • Monday, Sept. 16, 6-8 p.m. – Climate Change Action Committee Meeting- Grace Knight Conference Room on the second floor of the Alachua County Administration Building (12 S.E. 1st Street, Gainesville).
  • Tuesday, Sept. 17, 5:30-7:30 p.m. – Community Spring
  • Wednesday, Sept. 18, 12-1:30 p.m. – Climate Action Public Review
  • Sunday, Sept. 22, 12-4 p.m. – Rural Women’s Health Project event at Bo Diddley Plaza
  • Saturday, Sept. 28, 3-7 p.m."The Heat Will Kill You First" Community Conversation on Climate Justice and Extreme Heat at Lynx Bookstore


Developing climate action plans

The City of Gainesville is currently developing a formalized climate action plan with suggestions from the Alachua County Citizen Climate Advisory Committee and the Joint Water and Climate Committee. Both committees meet regularly and have outlined specific strategic categories and goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change impacts.

Participating in climate initiatives

The City of Gainesville pledged to Race to Zero in 2021 and has been an active member of ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability since 2008.

U.S Green Building Council (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification is the most widely recognized rating system for sustainable building. Following the LEED guidelines saves money, improves efficiency, lowers carbon emissions and makes healthier spaces. Gainesville boasts almost 183 LEED-certified buildings, including some currently under review. Gainesville is home to Florida’s first LEED Platinum building and LEED Gold Certified building, both located on the University of Florida campus. Our city’s commitment to global climate change efforts is evident on both the governmental and community levels.

Implementing sustainability policies


The City of Gainesville adheres to the Gainesville Green Building Program in its Code of Ordinances Chapter 6, Article II to promote sustainable and environmentally friendly construction and design practices. City-owned construction projects follow the program guidelines when feasible.


Several programs enhance efficiency for climate resiliency, including the Low-income Energy Efficiency Program Plus and the Community Weatherization Coalition.


Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU) is the state leader in power generation from renewable fuel sources and is committed to achieving the city’s goal of net zero community-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 2045.

GRU Renewable Energy

Zero Waste

The City of Gainesville has set a goal to go Zero Waste by 2040 by supporting policies that reduce waste dramatically and encouraging residents to rethink waste material flows. By analyzing the status of our waste reduction and recycling, the City of Gainesville is working on modifying existing policies, systems, programs, and infrastructure to reduce waste and improve diversion opportunities.

Zero Waste Initiative

Supporting safe and sustainable mobility

The City of Gainesville Regional Transit System (RTS) operates four battery-electric buses, with four more expected soon. The zero-emission buses each travel an estimated 150-200 miles per charge, connect to existing ChargePoint stations at RTS Headquarters, and can accommodate up to 38 seated passengers. In March of 2023, the City of Gainesville received a $1.2 million grant from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), which will enable the City’s Regional Transit System (RTS) to retire four diesel buses and replace them with four new battery-electric models.

The city fleet also has 14 electric vehicles and 97 hybrid vehicles, along with 116 public access charging stations. City regulations in the Land Development Code promote sustainable mobility and environmental conservation, complemented by smart benches and multiple smart lighting installations.

Gainesville also implemented a micromobility program in 2021. The micromobility program consists of a fleet of shared mobility devices, such as e-scooters and bicycles, for short-term rental. This is one more way the city is furthering healthy, economical and environmentally sustainable transportation alternatives.

Engaging the community

The City of Gainesville engages with the local community, including residents, businesses and organizations to gather input and involve them in climate action efforts. We can only make change by working together, and some of our vital efforts started as grassroots initiatives, including the Community Weatherization Coalition.

Examples of engagement include the Community Leaders Library Meet-Up, a climate seminar at the United Church of Gainesville, and the Carbon Reduction through Tree Planting event, which fostered collaboration between Alachua County, the City of Gainesville, Court Services, Gainesville High School, Keep Alachua County Beautiful, Santa Fe College and the University of Florida.

GNV Greenhouse Gas Emissions Dashboard



Dan Zhu, Ph.D., LEED Green Associate

Chief Climate Officer

Phone: 352-393-8610