Affordable Housing Development

The Affordable Rental Housing Development Program provides financial support to developers to build or rehabilitate affordable rental housing. Eligibility for funding includes providing rental housing units to low-income households and the demonstrated ability to develop and manage the rental housing project. Other eligibility requirements may apply. Funding awards may need City Commission approval.

If funds are available, the city offers the two types of funding awards listed below. Each type of funding has its own application.


Getting Started

Step 1.Read all the information in the relevant application or applications


Step 2.Thoroughly review City Code Chapter 29  

Lobbyist Registration Act(PDF, 182KB)

Step 3.Complete and sign the application

This can be done electronically or printed, signed and scanned.

Step 5.Complete a PowerPoint Presentation

Use the provided template. Keep in mind that we will limit all presentations to five minutes, with an additional five minutes to answer any questions. We strictly adhere to these limits.

(PPTX, 58KB)Presentation Template-Affordable Housing Rental Projects (PPTX, 58KB)2024

Step 6.Email completed materials

Email the completed application, attachments and PowerPoint presentation to